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Health My Freak — Best HealthCare Tips in Hindi
Nowadays psychological problems are increasing rapidly in youth and adolescents, due to lack of awareness. Even today our society is not so serious about psychiatry, that is why people ignore its symptoms. And when it comes to health, everyone happily gets all medical tests done but nobody pays any attention to what is going on in the mind.
This is also because we do not understand that our mind can also become ill and it also needs to be treated and if the symptoms are not treated on time soon by seeing its symptoms, then these symptoms can turn into a serious psychiatry.
The special thing about psychiatry is that even the afflicted people remain completely ignorant of its symptoms. In such a situation, it becomes the responsibility of the family and well-wishers to recognize these symptoms and take the victim to the psychologist without any delay.The symptoms of psychiatry that you cannot ignore.
Today, in a rapidly changing lifestyle, a little sadness is natural in every person’s life, but when this state of mind remains constant, it can turn into depression (depression), so the family should talk to them and relieve their sadness. Should think about But if this is not possible, then immediately take it to a psychologist.
Suspicion disease
Some people have the disease of doubt, you must have seen such people around you, who start doubting anyone deeply, such people start believing any truth that has arisen in their mind. Such people also feel that someone is plotting against them or someone is chasing them, some people feel that people do evil behind their back and some even doubt their spouse’s character Seeing any symptoms, immediately go to a psychologist and get advice, otherwise a person suffering from schizophrenia may also have it.
Sometimes it is normal to forget something, but if you forget something often then it is a matter of concern. If this is happening in old age, then you need to pay attention here. Actually, with aging, the brain cells start shrinking, which reduces the brain’s ability to function and the person suffers from the problem of short term memory loss.
Such a person does not remember the name of the person found just a while ago. While they remember the names of all their friends during their school days, these can be symptoms of severe psychiatric dementia. Begin to treat these symptoms as soon as you know them, otherwise they change over time into a terrible disease like Alzheimer’s.
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